As many of you know the AUSXIP Charity Auction was held in March and I have the final amounts that were raised. This figure blows me away and every time I look at it, I am AMAZED at the generosity of you, the fans. What's even more incredible is that with the global financial situation as it is, you still dug deep and it's an incredible gift. It's not just the financial support but also the moral support from those who couldn't donate but who supported the auction and promoted it. You guys are just the best!


Lucy's charity is The Starship Foundation which raises money for Starship Hospital in Auckland.

Total amount raised: $13,110


Renee's charity is The Renee O'Connor Outreach Fund. Renee allocates the money to a worthy cause and this year it was to raise funds for the the earthquakes in Haiti/Chili.

Total amount raised: $3,500


This year we added Crystal's chosen charity and a way to raise money for the half marathon Crystal was running (held over the weekend) for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Total amount raised: $1,000

That gives us a grand total of $17,610

Since December 2006 when all of this started, with your help and support, we have raised $73,918 for Starship, Alissa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation, ROC Outreach Fund, Kevin Smith Trust Fund, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and AIDS Lifecycle.

A special shout out goes to some incredible people such as Lucy Lawless, Renee O'Connor, Lesley-Ann Brandt, Katrina Law, Michael Hurst, Jennifer Ward-Lealand, Erin Cummings and Crystal Chappell who supported the auction by donating their time in signing the plethora of goodies and donating items as well. There is a reason AUSXIP supports these people and follows their careers because not only are they supremely talented but they are good souls.

Also to the WONDERFUL team over at the Starship Foundation who set up such an easy way to make the whole process for the auction to succeed run as smoothly as it does. They have been incredible to deal with. To Andrew Young, the CEO and all the team there, thank you so much. I met these wonderful people when I was in New Zealand last year and they are beyond stoked at the money raised.

Alot of work goes into this auction and it would be IMPOSSIBLE to achieve without the hard work from my two hardworking AUSXIP Charity Auction team, Christa and Roger.

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart" -- Helen Keller