Argo was out and about on display with the rest of the horses. AUSXIP's on the spot reporter spotted Argo at Aotea Square and whipped out her trusty camera to get some photos of our favourite blue horse.
We have 21 images + Lucy's bio/starship nameplate which is placed in front of Argo.
We also have a video and a couple more pics coming but here are the 21 images.
Argo will next be seen here:
Saturday 19 February
* Devonport Wharf
* Domain outside Auckland Museum
* Manukau Westfield
* Albany Westfield
Sunday 20 February
* Western Park in Ponsonby
* Mission Bay
* Manukau Westfield
* Albany Westfield
Monday 21 February
* Takutai Square
* Glenfield Westfield
* Central Auckland Westfield
* Air New Zealand Koru Lounge
* Auckland Council Service Centre Office in Aotea Square