ImageThe 2012 AUSXIP Charity Auction has come to an end and wow didn't it go out with a bang! I'm stoked beyond belief that this year we have raised $20,022 - no that is not a typo. (tentative total, not including the donations which Starship will tell me about when it sends the confirmation spreadsheet). What an amazing figure. I triple checked the amount and then went back and checked it again. I could not believe it. To say I was floored would be an understatement. Once I got over my shock, I had a smile on my face that nothing could wipe off; I'm still smiling writing this entry. I am truly humbled by the outcome of this auction.

Last year we raised $11,859.50 and of that $9501 for Starship & $2358.50 was for the Alissa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation (Renee O'Connor's charity).

This auction was initially born to celebrate AUSXIP's 10th Birthday on 15 December 2006. The second auction we held I had enough celebrating AUSXIP's birthday and switched it to celebrate someone else's birthday in March. Since without her, AUSXIP wouldn't be celebrating anything. What's a great gift to give someone who puts herself out there and gives of herself each and every time for charity and now an Eco-Warrior?

Lucille Frances Lawless turns 44 today (29 March 2012). HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCY!

Firstly let me say THANK YOU so much to everyone who participated in the 2012 AUSXIP Charity Auction from the fans who donated, the stars who gave of themselves and were so willing to help, to those who bid and won and to those who bid and didn't win.

I watched the final few hours with a smile on my face; knowing the names of the many who were bidding, and a couple of new additions. Knowing those people were there for one reason and that was to support Starship. It made me smile because this fandom rocks it's socks when it comes to generosity of spirit. A truly magnificent fandom that doesn't talk the talk but walks the walk and stick it's hand in it's collective pocket and gives.


Firstly a HUGE thanks must go to the following actors and my favourite producer who gave of their time and went out of their way to make the 2012 AUSXIP Charity Auction such a huge success:

Lucy Lawless, Rob Tapert, Renee O'Connor, Steven Sears, Adrienne Wilkinson, Viva Bianca, Lesley-Ann Brandt, Erin Cummings, Katrina Law, Campbell Cooley, Crystal Chappell and Stacy Haiduk

Special shout out to the fans who donated items for the auction. Thank you for your generosity in wanting to make AUSXIP Charity Auction such a success. You rock my world, people!

Thank you to everyone who supported the auction whether you bid and didn't win, you bid and won, you spread the word about the auction, you kept me sane by making me laugh and sending me positive thoughts and to those that donated without bidding.

On behalf of my team (Roger and Christa) thank you everyone! 2012 AUSXIP Charity Auction for Starship was incredible.

Battle On!


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