From Warrior Princess to Eco-Warrior
Curve Magazine July/August 2012 Issue

In these troubled times, it's heartening to see our favourite glamazon turn her back on the red carpet and stand up for her beliefs.
by Merryn Johns

This magazine is available on Itunes (as an iphone / ipad app and you get a free issue when you pay for the app for $4.99; one of the free issues is the July/August 2012 issue with Lucy on the cover) and would be available to buy on Zinio as a single issue when it's ready for sale.

Click here to go to the Itunes store






See more on the AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Save The Arctic Support Page for more news, photos, video and other multimedia

See more of Lucy's role as an Eco-Warrior and Greenpeace Ambassador

For more Lucy Lawless articles, visit the AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Press Archive

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