Looks like Lucy is back in the US filming her two episodes of Parks and Recreation. Her first episode screens in the US on 04 October. You can find out more about Lucy's role as Diane on AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Parks and Recreation subsite

Lucy also tweeted that she will be attending the premiere of Rob's movie The Possession on 28 August. You can find out more about this movie by going to AUSXIP Rob Tapert Possession News Page



Natalie Abrams is the Staff Editor for TV Guide

@NatalieAbrams: A fan comes on set with Xena trading cards, which Lucy Lawless happily signs.

@NatalieAbrams: Just in case you didnt pick up on the clues: On location at Parks and Rec. Lucy Lawless is here today. #NumberThree

@NatalieAbrams: .@JaneEspenson No :( But this cylon is in love with Ron Swanson, if that helps any :)

@NatalieAbrams: Back to back set visits today. First clue for Set #1: There's a cylon here.

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