Image635372245061698478 has an article about the Greens Party in NZ announcing a new policy and Lucy was in attendance.

The article reads in part:

The Greens have launched a controversial new climate change policy - a carbon tax.

In the audience for the announcement was Hollywood actress and environmental activist Lucy Lawless.  Lawless flew down from her home in Auckland this morning to hear the speech.  She was given details of the policy days ago, but admitted she doesn't understand the details.

"But I think it's very energising. It's a great relief to me that someone is taking some leadership towards mitigating the effects of climate change," she said.

"I think fair has got to be fair."

She admitted she flew down at the last minute but doesn't fly "frivolously."

She came as "a mother" but is not a party member. Lawless wouldn't say if she will play a role in the election campaign.

"Somebody has got to say these hard truths and the Green Party is doing it."

Click here to read full article


Green Party NZ tweeted the following pic




A Sky news reporter tweeted about this with a pic of Lucy




and Lucy tweeted about the event this morning:

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