
Geek Nation interviewed Lucy, Bruce and Sam at the SDCC about Ash Vs Evil Dead. Here’s a small snippet of Lucy’s responses. Find out more about Lucy's new role as Ruby in Ash vs Evil Dead by going to the AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Ash vs Evil Dead Subsite


When Lucy Lawless joined us, she was all smiles. Up until now, her character on “Ash vs. Evil Dead” was a mystery. Not anymore, though, as it looks like Lawless will be playing a relative of  the original owner of the Necronomicon:

The first episode, I love it. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. And then it went to another level. And then it went to another level! And then they took it somewhere your imagination couldn’t even go! It’s super funny how he lets the Deadites out. Thats when my character whose last name is Knowby — Professor Knowby owned the Necronomicon in the movie…

According to Lawless, “Ash vs. Evil Dead” is mostly connected to Evil Dead II:

At the beginning we didn’t know what the show was going to be and it’s turning out to be truer to Evil Dead 2 — that’s just my words — its very true. You’re going to recognize some of the sets. And Bruce was in uncanny valley when he was inside these sets going, “Holy sh*t!” They even got the tree, meticulous details of the view outside the windows.

As mentioned earlier, “Ash vs. Evil Dead” goes heavy on the blood and gore. Lawless gave us a better idea of what it’s like working with the practical effects on set. Key word: pus:

We had this pus rig attached to a dagger and — did he tell you about the beer keg that explodes blood? This is pretty intense stuff. I have the pus rig and I’m cutting around this dude’s face and it oozes pus and then it hits the heart of it and all this blood goes blooosh. We only shot it once, it was so good the whole crew went WHOA behind the monitors. They’re constantly inventing and taking things to another level in an innovative and gruesome way. How do you keep topping yourself when you’ve got someone in a meat grinder, or whatever, but they keep coming up with new ideas that keep being realized on screen

Before we parted ways, Lucy Lawless wanted to reassure the Evil Dead fans with one last statement:

Everything you’ve dreamed is about to happen!

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Find out more about Lucy's new role as Ruby in Ash vs Evil Dead by going to the AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Ash vs Evil Dead Subsite

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