More news about Lucy’s character of Ruby Knowby. In addition to finding out Ruby’s surname and connection with a character from the Evil Dead canon, now comes the about her weapon of choice:
Cinema Blend has an interesting article from Comic Con. It seems Bruce Campbell is not the only one with a signature weapon to kill Deadites (for those that don’t know what/who Deadites are: A "Deadite" is a life-force, person, animal or plant possessed by a Kandarian Demon. They are described as evil demonic zombies and are the main antagonists of the Evil Dead Franchise (Source). Ash’s weapon is the chainsaw.
Well now Lucy has revealed that her character of Ruby Knowby, related to Professor Raymond Knowby (see here about his character from Evil Dead) has a signature weapon of her own that kills Deadites.
Lucy said the following during interviews in the SDCC Press Room:
“She sure does. She has a very particular weapon, and it’s a dagger of sorts, but she has to be extremely careful with it. Because it has some powers which are magic. Well sawing people in half is [Ash’s] gig, I don’t think I’ll be stealing his gig. Trust me, he’s not letting me have the chainsaw. But, yes, she gets to kick some ass.”
Watch Ruby in Action
Find out more about Lucy's new role as Ruby in Ash vs Evil Dead by going to the AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Ash vs Evil Dead Subsite