Image635926699404649799The NZ animated series “The Barefoot Bandits” premiered in NZ on 14 February. Lucy has voiced the role of Denenis Gobb (episode 4).


Lucy joined the cast of the Barefoot Bandits (a kiwi animated show. The Barefoot Bandits, is an animated story based on two hard-case characters Tane and Fridge, who first appeared in the NZ On Air-funded special Missing Christmas. It is for young primary age children. What is this show about? The little known island of Ngaro has long held many a mystery, though this fact has been largely unnoticed by the quiet townsfolk that call it home. That is until Tane, Fridge and Riley, who call themselves The Barefoot Bandits, take it upon themselves to investigate all the secrets the island has to offer. -



Here’s the Promo



Some screencaps of Lucy’s character:

