
G’day everyone! Well that day has finally arrived. AUSXIP has turned 25 years old and to say thanks to the Xenaverse for your support over the last 25 years… I have a mega giveaway!!

Before I outline how you can win a gold ticket to the Salute to Xena Convention for November 2022 (Seriously, I’m giving away a gold ticket – great seat too!)

My life changed forever on December 14, 1996 when I sat down to record “Sins of the Past” for my friend Xero and I got hooked. I have a short attention span for TV Shows. I gave the whole thing six months until I lost interest. Somewhere along the line that six months time limit never showed up!

How do you celebrate a site that has been part of my life for the last 25 years and has been supported by the Xenaverse for just as long? How do you say thank you for all the friendships that have been created; for the experiences and the laughter? How?

How do you say thanks for the support in raising $261,169.91 for The Starship Foundation, The House of Bards Theatre Company and other charity raising events?

How do you thank this incredible group of people that make up the Xenaverse who turned out in droves to buy a book dedicated to this incredible fandom? Not just the ebook, or the paperback but the DELUXE Edition of Xena: Their Courage Changed Our World – $$ pricey “little” tome. Bloody hell people you floored me with the reaction. ABSOLUTELY FLOORED ME. The Starship Foundation and The House of Bards Theatre Company have been ecstatic with the royalties from that baby!

The words ‘thank you’ doesn’t cover it. For me, actions speak louder than words. Here is my action: Here is a gift from me to all of you… A GOLD TICKET to the Salute to Xena Convention by Creation Entertainment in November!

What seat? How does Row E, Seat 018 sound? Enter your name in the submission form to win! If you can’t go, you can enter for your friend to go! Go, enjoy and be merry (and carry Xena: Their Courage Changed Our World book with you so you can get everyone’s autographs!).

For those who can’t attend (THANKS COVID), how about you enter to win a personalised copy of the Deluxe Edition of Xena: Their Courage Changed Our World? Win/Win!

Enter to win:

Thank you for 25 years!




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