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April 2010 Archives

30 April 2010

Lucy Marching in March Against Mining Video

Image Lucy was surrounded by 40,000 of her fellow kiwis as they marched against John Key's plan to mine national parks.

Check out the video that AUSXIP Reporter Jo was able to get. Click here to view

Click here to view photos

More Videos from New Zealand News can be found here:

Read more about Lucy and the Greenpeace campaign to stop the New Zealand Government from mining 3,000 ha of the Paparoa National Park for coal on AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Anti-Mining Campaign subsite



30 April 2010

Lucy Photos From March Against Mining March 01 May 2010

ImageAUSXIP Reporter Jo was on the scene at the Greenpeace March Against Mining where over 40,000 kiwis turned out to send a message to their governement! Lucy was in the front marching with everyone to show her support.

Jo took photos and video - here are the photos, I'm processing the video now. Should be up shortly.

Click here to view photos


Read more about Lucy and the Greenpeace campaign to stop the New Zealand Government from mining 3,000 ha of the Paparoa National Park for coal on AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Anti-Mining Campaign subsite



30 April 2010

March Against Mining - Biggest Protest March In Living Memory

ImageBiggest protest march in living memory

We expected 20,000. We HOPED for 30,000. We got nearly double that. In the biggest protest march in living memory, 50,000 turned out on Queen Street today to march against the Government's mining plans.

The photos say it all (see below). Greenpeace ambassador Robyn Malcolm also puts it pretty good when she says: "For nearly 50,000 Kiwis to turn out and be prepared to speak with one voice, must tell the Government something. And that something is this: we, the people of NZ get it; we get the argument, we see what you’re up to and we won’t have it. Our land will always be more important to our identity than some extra dollars in the pockets of mining companies."

Read More | View Protest March Images

View AUSXIP Reporter Jo's Photos From The March

Read more about Lucy and the Greenpeace campaign to stop the New Zealand Government from mining 3,000 ha of the Paparoa National Park for coal on AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Anti-Mining Campaign subsite



30 April 2010

Lucy Lawless and March Against Mining Today


Today is the Greenpeace March Against Mining march in Auckland from 11:00 am (9 am Sydney/Melbourne time)

Watch the streaming video here and here
(they are the same feeds)


Follow #gpnz on twitter for live reports as they come in.

Read more about Lucy and the Greenpeace campaign to stop the New Zealand Government from mining 3,000 ha of the Paparoa National Park for coal on AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Anti-Mining Campaign subsite



29 April 2010

March Against Mining Streamed Live & Updates

ImageHere is the following news about the March Against Mining which will start at 11 am New Zealand Time. According to the tweets from Greenpeace, it will be streamed live on the official site:

RT @gpnz: The revolution will not be televised but the #MarchAgainstMining will be streamed live to

Help to amplify the message by bringing it from the streets to the web.

1. Send updates as short email messages to
2. Email photos and video from your mobile phone to

Your updates will appear on for the world to see.

If you can't make it to the march you can be there in spirit by following the updates at

Put it in your diary > Invite your friends > share the link > and bring everybody!

Help us to get the word out by grabbing (right click + save) the black March Against Mining image and make it your FB profile image.

Watch the video with Lucy Lawless and Robyn Malcolm about "SEXY COAL"

If you can't make it to the march you can be there in spirit with a virtual placard

For more news, video and updated info on Lucy's involvement in the March Against Mining, visit the AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Anti-Mining Subsite



29 April 2010

New Lucy Video and March Against Mining Update

ImageJust two days now until the massive anti-mining march in Auckland! Right around the North Island, placards are being painted and buses organised to transport people to the City of Sails to have their say. Just incase what's at stake has slipped your mind, check out this video of Sign On ambassdors Lucy Lawless and Robyn Malcolm visiting the stunning Paparoa National Park (just one of the spots on National's chopping board)


Read More



29 April 2010

Greenpeace March Against Mining Messages

The following are new Greenpeace messages about the March Against Mining this coming Saturday (1 May)

# RT @gpnz: Hands up who wants to help tweet report from the #marchagainstmining on Saturday morning? about 5 hours ago via API

# RT @gpnz: WANTED: Twitter reporters for the #marchagainstmining DM us if you're interested in helping report the march with tweets and m ... about 7 hours ago via API

# RT @gpnz: BLOG: 2 days til mining march!: Just two days now until the massive anti-mining march in Auckland! Ri.. about 7 hours ago via API

# RT @gpnz: Lucy Lawless will #marchagainstmining about 13 hours ago via API



26 April 2010

Message from Lucy About Anti-Mining 27 April 2010

The following was posted via email from Greenpeace and it's a message from Lucy:

Last week, Robyn Malcolm and I paid a visit to beautiful Paparoa National Park on the West Coast, one of the conservation areas the Government wants to mine - for coal. Energy Minister Gerry Brownlee reckons coal is "sexy", so Robyn and I have put together this little video as a tribute to its sexiness. Check it out (if you're over 18!!).

More a New Zealander I always thought that conservation land would be there.  Jeez, what part of 'conservation' don't they understand?

Digging it up to burn more coal and pollute our children's atmosphere is not ETHICAL, not SMART and not FORWARD THINKING. In short it is un-Kiwi. Don't do it!

We need clean, sustainable energy not coal mining and climate change. Tourists I spoke to at Paparoa were in disbelief that our Government is even considering this. Mining our conservation land means stealing from our kids. We are responsible for turning this around. So let's make sure John Key gets the message loud and clear on May 1.

We need a big turnout on Queen St at 11am - so see you there!

Lucy  Lawless

PS if you can't make it along (because, say, you live in the South Island) please forward this message to as many Aucklanders as you possibly can.

For more news and multimedia on Lucy's Anti-Mining Greenpeace role, visit the AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Anti-Mining in New Zealand subsite
Google Maps



26 April 2010

Lucy is Marching in Greenpeace Anti-Mining March


Greenpeace New Zealand has announced today that Lucy will be marching in the March Against Mining in Auckland on 1 May.

gpnz - Lucy Lawless will #marchagainstmining about 3 hours ago via HootSuite

Read more about Lucy and the Greenpeace campaign to stop the New Zealand Government from mining 3,000 ha of the Paparoa National Park for coal on AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Anti-Mining Campaign subsite



24 April 2010

Lucy In NZ Media RoundUp for 24-25 April 2010

ImageLucy has been featured in the New Zealand media this weekend about Spartacus and also Lucy's involvement in the Greepeace Anti-Mining Campaign currently underway in New Zealand.

The New Zealand Herald
24 April 2010 has a brief mention of Lucy and Robyn with a nice pic. Screen stars protest 300ha National Park coal mine. Read Online article

The Sunday Star Times 25 April 2010
has a brief mention of Lucy (and a promo pic of Lucy) and about Spartacus. The usual spin about the violence, sex and bloodshed. It mentioned that SBS is to be shown on NZ TV later this year (hopefully).

The Herald on Sunday 25 April 2010 I Spy columnist Rachel has listed "The Celebrities Who Really Matter" and listed Lucy as #10. Rachel takes a look at A-List celebrities from New Zealand and why she finds them fascinating or worthy of being on that list. Unfortunately she didn't list why Lucy is on the list, just had her on the list.



23 April 2010

Lucy Video Sexy Coal Greenpeace Anti-Mining


Greenpeace NZ has sent out a tweet about a hysterical new video called "Sexy Coal"

It's Lucy and Robyn Malcolm getting a little excited over finding coal in the national park <g>

Click here to watch the video

For those wondering why Lucy is wearing the red poppy. In New Zealand the poppy is most often worn around Anzac Day (25 April) as a mark of rememberence and respect.

For more about the Greenpeace Anti-Mining Campaign, visit the AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Greenpeace Anti-Mining Subsite for news, photos, video and links to Lucy's greenpeace blog and official greenpeace site



23 April 2010

Paint Your Own Placard for Anti-Mining March

ImageI've just painted my virtual placard for the March Against Mining at - it's fun, you should try it.

It's also a serious issue.

The NZ Govt has plans to open up our best conservation areas to mining. We are at a crossroads. Do we value and protect New Zealand's unique ecology and land, or do we squander it for a quick buck?

On May 1st we will March Against Mining at 11am from Lower Queen St in Auckland with Greenpeace, Forest & Bird, Federated Mountain clubs and several other groups to show the Government that Kiwis want long term sustainability not short term profit - and not mining in conservation areas.

Put it in your diary and find out more here. You can help make the march really massive by sharing on Facebook and Twitter

If you can't be there in person, you can paint a virtual placard by
clicking here



23 April 2010

Celebrities Spread The Anti-Mining Message

ImageActors Lucy Lawless and Robyn Malcolm have launched Greenpeace's campaign against mining in national parks.

The Government plans to open up 3,000ha of previously protected land, for mining.

Ms Lawless and Ms Malcolm condemn coal mining as a Dark Ages practice that will threaten the tourist industry.
Ms Lawless launched the campaign at the Punakaiki Pancake Rocks, 50km southwest of the proposed mining sites. She asked tourists what they thought of coal mining in the Paparoa National Park – one said it would "ruin" New Zealand's legacy.

Read More

Watch Video of TV3 News



23 April 2010

Lucy and Robyn's Close Encounter With Coal + Video

ImageLucy and Robyn's close encounter with coal - Kathy Cumming Blog

It must have looked quite a sight for people driving by. An unsuspecting corner, curving gently around a quiet part of the West coast's Buller Gorge in the early morning mist. But look a little closer God, that's Xena Warrior Princess and Sheryl West rubbing themselves up against a pile of coal.

This was all in aid of humouring Energy Minister Gerry Brownlee and his adoration of this dirty fossil fuel. In 2007 (yes, in the 21st century, yes, in a climate constrained world) he made a video entitled "Sexy Coal" (see 1 minute 40 seconds in for his absurd use of the adjective). So climate ambassadors Lucy Lawless and Robyn Malcolm thought they'd see for themselves if they too could experience a kind of carnal urge when coming into close contact with this common fossil fuel. Suffice to say no matter how much they channelled Gerry, they just couldn't bring themselves to get amorous towards a cold, hard planet-killer.

Read More | Watch TV3 News Story About The Trip

News submitted by Barbara Davies



23 April 2010

New Lucy Social Awareness Subsite Anti-Mining Campaign

Image I've done some re-arranging and moved the Greenpeace Anti-Mining Campaign news out of the Sign on Campaign site and to it's own subsite.

New AUSXIP Lucy Lawless Greenpeace Anti-Mining Campaign Subsite. You can find the latest news, press release, promo images, video and links Lucy's Greenpeace blog and to the official site

Click here to view



22 April 2010

HQ Lucy Lawless Pictures from Paparoa National Park


Greenpeace has released the medium sized and high resolution images from Lucy's visit to Paparoa National Park with Robyn Malcolm yesterday.
 New Zealand -- Sign On campaign ambassadors Lucy Lawless and Robyn Malcolm were at the site of a proposed coal mine in the Paparoa National Park today, drawing the link between the Government's Schedule 4 mining plans and climate change.
 View the images
 Read Greenpeace Press Release
 Read More about Greenpeace New Zealand Anti-Mining Campaign



22 April 2010

Press Release - Lucy's Paparoa National Park Visit

1.jpgGreenpeace Press Release -  Lucy Lawless and Robyn Malcolm link climate and mining in Paparoa
April 23, 2010

New Zealand -- Sign On campaign ambassadors Lucy Lawless and Robyn Malcolm were at the site of a proposed coal mine in the Paparoa National Park today, drawing the link between the Government's Schedule 4 mining plans and climate change.

The pair also spoke with tourists at Punakaiki about their views on New Zealand's "clean green" reputation, and the role it had played in their decision to visit.

"The National Government wants to destroy 3,000 ha of the beautiful Paparoa National Park to mine coal, which will be burnt in New Zealand and will increase our emissions (1)," said Robyn Malcolm. "If dug up and burnt, the coal will produce CO2 equal to half of all New Zealand's annual emissions.

"Their mining proposals are like something from another age," said Malcolm. "They seem to have been hatched in a complete vacuum. They've taken no account of public opinion, Kiwi values and the realities of climate change."



22 April 2010

Photos of Lucy By Robyn Malcolm

Lucy's fellow Greenpeace ambassador, Robyn Malcolm, has posted some pictures from their visit. Sign On ambassadors Lucy Lawless and Robyn Malcolm are down on the West Coast to check out one of the proposed Schedule 4 mining sites - Paparoa National Park.


Heres Some pics from the Day. Lucy L and I heard early on that Gerry Brownlee made a Video called" Sexy Coal".. need I say more?

Click here to view larger photo






Click here to view larger photo






You can view all of Robyn's pictures here



22 April 2010

Lucy Writes First Blog for Greenpeace


Lucy has a blog on the Official Sign On / Greenpeace site.Sign On ambassadors Lucy Lawless and Robyn Malcolm are down on the West Coast to check out one of the proposed Schedule 4 mining sites  - Paparoa National Park.

Her first blog posting is about the trip down the West Coast of the South island interviewing tourists about the New Zealand's "clean green" image played in their decision to visit the country. The following tweet from Greenpeace was sent out about the blog:

gpnz?: Lucy Lawless hits the West Coast to check out Paparoa
Greenpeace ... -

Dispatch from the Wild West
Submitted by Lucy Lawless on Thu, 22/04/2010 - 19:29

I have spent the day traveling down the West Coast of the South island with the Sign On crew, including Robyn Malcolm - a true Westie! I swear to God this coast line is the most beautiful i have seen anywhere in the world.

We have been interviewing tourists about the part our "clean green" image played in their decision to visit our country. Then we asked them how they felt about our Government's plan to dig up 3,000 hectares of top-quality native forest in the Paparoa National Park for coal. This is stunning West Coast land that is held in trust on behalf of all NZ'ders.

Read More



19 April 2010

Lucy Supports Auckland March Against Mining 01 May

March Against Mining Lucy's Official page has been updated with the news that Lucy is supporting the Greenpeace march in Auckland on 1 May. There is no indication on the official site that Lucy will be marching on the day but there are support banners. You can get those banners on the official site located here

As previously reported here on 13 April, the following news was sent out by email by Greenpeace

Over the last few weeks we've had a huge amount of feedback from people extremely concerned at proposals to mine some of our mostprecious conservation areas.

Many said that we needed a big, public and visible demonstration of opposition to the assault on our environment. So we're pleased to announce that we're teaming up with a bunch of other organisations - from Forest & Bird to Federated Mountain Clubs - to organise a huge march up Queen Street in Auckland.

When: Saturday, 1st May, 11 am
Where: Bottom of Queen St

I realise it's probably too far away for you to attend personally, but you can still play a critical role in its success by spreading the word. The march may be in Auckland, but it will give voice to the concerns of all New Zealanders.

We all know an Aucklander or two, so please forward this email to anyone you know who may be able to attend. This is our chance to send a message to John Key: we don't want this country's unique ecology, landscape and reputation squandered to make a quick buck.

Thanks for your support,



18 April 2010

Hail Xena - Season 1 DVD To Be Released 20 April 2010


Xena Warrior Princess Season 1 is being re-released on DVD on 20 April 2010. The following was posted in the Los Angeles Times about the release:

If you’re nostalgic for warrior princesses, talk about “Xena: Warrior Princess.”

Long before Lucy Lawless was going topless in Starz’ “Spartacus: Blood and Sand,” she was just a warrior bent on overcoming her dark past and saving innocents to redeem herself in the campy ’90s cult TV series. Want to relive that Spartan costume? The first season is now available on DVD. (Tuesday) If you want vampires that don’t sparkle, talk about “American Vampire.”

Click here to buy from



17 April 2010

Spartacus Season 1 Poll

Did you enjoy Spartacus Season 1?



16 April 2010

Spartacus Episode 13 Recap/Review by MaryD


Spartacus Blood and Sand Episode 13 Recap / Review by MaryD

Credits for this episode:
Directed by Steven S. DeKnight and Jesse Warn

Writing credits (in alphabetical order) Steven S. DeKnight (written by) Brent Fletcher (story editor), Aaron Helbing (staff writer), Todd Helbing (staff writer). Miranda Kwok (staff writer)

Log Line
Spartacus’ fury culminates in the stunning season finale

Read The Review (SPOILERS)



16 April 2010

Boston Herald Reviews Kill Them All - SPOILERS!

spartacuslogoMega Mega Spoilers in the Boston Herald newspaper for their review of "Kill Them All".

Why can't reviewers just not give the game away? Since monstersandcritics just about ripped apart the episode for me and revealed mega spoilers (which I was silly enough to
read even as I was trying to stay spoiler free), it's not a surprise any more. Memo to reviewers, can you at least put a SPOILER WARNING in your articles? I know it's a bit late now but just had to say it.

Anyway if you want to read spoilers...this is a good article and a great write up about Lucy and the rest of the cast.

Click here to read



15 April 2010

Spartacus Season Finale Episode Promos - SPOILERS!

For those keeping spoiler free...don't watch. These are the final promo videos before the season finale "Kill Them All".

ImageS1 E13 - Final Confrontation

Crixus (Manu Bennett) gets an opportunity to regain his title of “Champion of Capua” from Spartacus (Andy Whitfield).

Watch Video


ImageS1E13 – Aedile Batiatus

With the patronage of Glaber (Craig Parker), Batiatus (John Hannah) makes a move for political office

Watch Video



15 April 2010

'Spartacus' Emerges As A Gripping Gladiator Romp

ImageThe Chicago Tribune has a great article on the evolution of Spartacus Blood and Sand into a terrific show.

Chicago Tribune - 14 April 2010
As Season 1 ends, 'Spartacus' emerges as a gripping gladiator romp

Postive Lucy / Lucretia mentions

Sure, there are a lot of hot bodies on display (and yes, that's part of the appeal). But in the unsentimental world the show depicts, everyone is a piece of meat. Every person, rich or poor, is scrambling to get ahead or to simply survive, and the viciousness of the gladiator arena is more than matched by Lucretia's machinations in her villa. The way that she ensnared a snobby Roman noblewoman, Ilithia (Viva Bianca) and made Ilithia do her bidding was a thing of soapy deliciousness.

Let's face it, many of the most worthy dramas on TV are work at times. They're usually worth the effort, mind you, but it's great to have shows that work dramatically yet allow you to enjoy yourself to a perhaps unhealthy degree. Like "True Blood," "Spartacus" is a sexy, sometimes outrageous show that enjoys keeping the audience on the edge of their seats

Yet from the first episode, Hannah has simply owned this show. Batiatus may be a ruthless schemer, but getting ahead in Roman society apparently required the relentlessness of a shark. Around the middle of the season, I feared Batiatus and Lucretia were becoming a little too one-dimensional, but that was a passing concern, and in any case, Hannah and Lawless' skillful portrayal of ambition (and their deadpan way with a joke) always held my interest. These actors are about as well-matched as could be, and their facility with the show's intricate language is one of its many small pleasures.

Read Full Article



14 April 2010

Spartacus Finale Sneak Peek at ChicagoNow


The Chicago Now site has a video of a scene from the final episode "Kill Them Now" - no spoilers (we already knew about the events in this video at the end of Episode 12).

They don't spoil the episode in their article either.

"Spartacus: Blood and Sand" wraps up its first season this week with a powerhouse episode called "Kill Them All."

The folks at Starz gave me this exclusive sneak peek of the episode, airing at 9 p.m. Friday, to share with you. They're also providing five T-shirts for readers. To prove that you're a true Sparty fan who deserves a shirt, you'll have to post a comment that describes how you think Season 1 will end. Be as detailed as you can be considering what's happened in the 12 previous episodes.

The first five people to respond with the closest description of what actually happens--yes, I've seen the episode and it is spar-tacular--will get a shirt. Be quick, you need to do this by 11 a.m. Thursday.

View view and go in the running for the t-shirts

News submitted by Barbara Davies



14 April 2010

Spartacus "Kill Them All" Review - MEGA SPOILERS!


The Monstersandcritics site has a review of the season finale and if you SERIOUSLY don't want to be spoilt about who dies and who lives...don't go there.

They have spoilt it and named names.

You can also win a Spartacus t-shirt. So if you want to be spoilt for the finale..go and find out who lives and who dies.

Read article



14 April 2010

Lucy Interview LA Times 14 April 2010

ImageThe LA Times has an interview with Lucy about her role on Lucretia leading up to the season finale and the coming bloodbath. I think my favourite Lucy quote is:

You are 42. How do you stay in such great shape?

I get them to airbrush every image. Really, I don't stress and I have been working out with a trainer. I am in better shape now than I was when I was 20. I gave up added sugar. My God, how that evens out your cravings.

ROFL! She just cracks me up. Check out the interview:

LA Times
'Spartacus': Lucy Lawless on gore, Roman sex and airbrushing
April 14, 2010 | 8:15 am

"Spartacus: Blood and Sand" has been a breakout hit for Starz, giving the premium cable channel newfound cachet. Audiences have been drawn in by the hyperstylized violence reminiscent of "300" and buckets of gore as "Spartacus" tells the story of a rebel slave who is forced into servitude as a gladiator-in-training to the society-climbing Lucretia, played by Lucy Lawless, and her husband, Batiatus, played by John Hannah.

Read Interview



13 April 2010

Lucy Lawless "Vera" Image Gallery - Angel of Death

Crackle has a photo gallery of "Vera" pics. Lucy starred as Vera in the Crackle series Angel of Death (lead being Zoe Bell)







Click here to see the larger versions of these images



13 April 2010

Greenpeace Auckland March For May 2010

Not sure if Lucy will be attending this march as part of her Sign On/Greenpeace Ambassador role. Here is the latest news from Greepeace if you are in Auckland and would like to attend

Over the last few weeks we've had a huge amount of feedback from people extremely concerned at proposals to mine some of our mostprecious conservation areas.

Many said that we needed a big, public and visible demonstration of opposition to the assault on our environment. So we're pleased to announce that we're teaming up with a bunch of other organisations - from Forest & Bird to Federated Mountain Clubs - to organise a huge march up Queen Street in Auckland.

When: Saturday, 1st May, 11 am
Where: Bottom of Queen St

I realise it's probably too far away for you to attend personally, but you can still play a critical role in its success by spreading the word. The march may be in Auckland, but it will give voice to the concerns of all New Zealanders.

We all know an Aucklander or two, so please forward this email to anyone you know who may be able to attend. This is our chance to send a message to John Key: we don't want this country's unique ecology, landscape and reputation squandered to make a quick buck.

Thanks for your support,



13 April 2010

Spartacus Preview US Magazine 25 Jan 2010


US Magazine 25 January 2010


The following scan is from US Magazine 25 January 2010 about a new show that's been compared to 300 <g> Still can't believe we are nearing the end of the first season but here's some early previews of the show.

Click on the thumbnail for the larger scan

Click here to read other Spartacus related Articles




12 April 2010

Lucy Reads A Story For That's The Story

Lucy is featured on the site That's The Story in a 1 minute short story about a little girl and her dog at a show called "Brookes First Show"

'That's The Story' is a children's radio programme that airs every Sunday morning from 7 till 8 on the Classic Hits Network. 'That's The Story' is a New Zealand On Air funded programme that's made up of songs, stories and competitions ideal for kids aged zero to a hundred. This is the 'That's The Story' official website. Submitted by Barbara Davies

Listen to the story

This text will be replaced



12 April 2010

'Spartacus: Blood and Sand' Takes Battle Worldwide

ImageRelease Issued: April 12, 2010 1:30 PM EDT
'Spartacus: Blood and Sand' Takes Battle Worldwide in Time for MIP-TV

A Success in the U.S., Canada and the Netherlands, Starz' Series to Premiere in UK, Asia, Latin America and More

BURBANK, Calif., April 12 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Proclaimed the "Champion of Capua," Spartacus is now taking on the rest of the world, with Starz Entertainment's original series "Spartacus: Blood and Sand" set to debut in high-profile markets around the world. Starz Worldwide Distribution, the sales unit of the premium entertainment company, is finalizing additional markets at the 2010 MIP-TV market (Starz is based at stand RSV-25 at MIP-TV).

"Spartacus: Blood and Sand," a ratings over-achiever on Starz in the U.S., the Movie Network and Movie Central in Canada and RTL5 in the Netherlands since it premiered earlier this year, the 13-episode program has just launched or is launching soon on:

* Bravo TV in the UK, premiering May 25;
* LAPTV's MovieCity Pack in Latin America;
* OCN in South Korea, where it premiered April 9;
* HBO Central Europe in 14 territories across the region;
* And on Star Channel in Japan.

Read More



9 April 2010

Spartacus Episode 13 Video Promo & Episode Stills - SPOILERS!


We are going to see the final episode of Spartacus next week - Number 13. It's called Kill Them All - That doesn't give away any spoilers now does it? <g>

Click here to view the episode promo with some spoilers according to the promo.



Things are not looking good for the House of Batiatus...they are a looking very deadly.

Click here to view the episode stills



9 April 2010

Spartacus Episode 12 Recap / Review by MaryD

Spartacus Blood and Sand Episode Recap / Review
Season 1 Episode 12 Revelations
by MaryD

Lucretia and Batiatus await the arrival of Glaber with the intentions to receive his patronage, while Spartacus focuses his attention on his plan for revenge. Friday, 4/9 at 10pm et/pt on Starz.

Read Full Recap / Review



9 April 2010

Lucy Nominated for Best Actress in Monte-Carlo TV Festival Awards


Lucy has been nominated for Best Actress for Spartacus in the Monte-Carlo TV Festival Awards. In addition Spartacus has been nominated for best dramatic tv series, Andy and John go up against each other for best actor.

Barbara Davies sent the following news about these awards: The nominations regarding comedy and dramatic TV series have been announced for the 2010 Monte-Carlo Television Festival. As always, Canada and the USA are both part of the competion. Furthermore, the festival will be held from June 6 to 10.

American dramatic TV series:

Speaking about American dramatic TV series, Dexter, Lost, Mad Men and Spartacus: Blood and Sand will try to make Uncle Sam's voice heard.

In the category of best actor(s), Michael C. Hall and John Lithgow will represent Dexter and Jon Hamm, Mad Men. Andy Whitfield and John Hannah will compete for Spartacus: Blood and Sand. As for the men of Lost, there will be Naveen Andrews, Nestor Carbonell, Jeff Fahey, Michael Emerson, Matthew Fox, Jorge Garcia, Josh Holloway, Daniel Dae Kim, Ken Leung and Terry O'Quinn.

For the ladies, the nominees will be: Julie Benz and Jennifer Carpenter (Dexter); Emilie de Ravin, Yunjin Kim, Evangeline Lilly and Zuleikha Robinson (Lost); January Jones and Elisabeth Moss (Mad Men); and finally Lucy Lawless (Spartacus: Blood and Sand).

Full nomination list here

pdf nomination list here



7 April 2010

Spartacus Episode 13 Preview TV Guide Scan - SPOILERS!

Lori just sent me the scan from the US TV Guide 12-18 April 2010 issue which has spoilers for Episode 13. Okay a warning for those who want to keep spoiler free...DO NOT FOLLOW THE LINK to the TV Guide scan. It has MASSIVE spoilers.

You have been warned. Click here to read



7 April 2010

Lucy Lawless Society Shaper in NZ Impact Players Book


New Zealand Impact Players: Good People Make a Difference

Lucy is featured in a new New Zealand book called New Zealand Impact Players. The book was published in February 2009 and is now available on

Each Impact Player exhibits one or more of the stated values to be encouraged, modelled and explored: excellence; innovation, inquiry and curiosity; diversity; equity; community and participation; ecological sustainability; integrity; respect. Activities for students address the key competencies: thinking; using language, symbols and texts; managing self; relating to others; participating and contributing. It supports the eight principles such as Treaty of Waitangi, Cultural diversity and Future focus where citizenship and enterprise are important.

Table of Contents

Kate Sheppard and Jim Salinger - Community Crusaders -- Samuel Parnell and Sam Morgan - Society Shapers -- Te Puea Herangi and Lucy Lawless - Warrior Princesses...

Available now from
New Zealand Impact Players: Good People Make a Difference



7 April 2010

Lucy Comments in Bro' Town Annual

ImageBro'Town Annual (featuring Lucy Lawless)

bro'Town - cool, irreverent, subversive and funny - burst onto New Zealand television screens in September 2004. It is New Zealand's first-ever prime-time adult animated series and it rated its socks off for TV3. There will be a second series screening in September 2005 - and The bro'Town Annual is scheduled to coincide with it.

Hugely popular across the board with kids, teenagers, young adults and in fact anyone who enjoys non-PC satire - bro'Town focuses on five teenagers growing up in suburban Auckland. Based on the fearless comic genius of the multi-talented Naked Samoans theatre group, bro'Town's primary aim is to make people laugh - but the series also seeks to foster tolerance by confronting delicate issues like racism and violence, with the writers' unique brand of home-grown humour. Heralded as 'The Simpsons of the South Pacific', bro'Town has been celebrated by the media and embraced as a true representation of multicultural New Zealand. The bro'Town Annual contains a wide variety of material to entertain fans of the series, including: background information on the series, a map of Morningside, character profiles, three episodes in cartoon-book format, the animation process, funny out-takes, games, bro'Town in the real world, stickers plus much more. New Zealand celebrities featured in the series make comments in the Annual about their connections with the show, including Prime Minister Helen Clark, John Campbell, Lucy Lawless and more!

ublisher: Random House New Zealand Ltd
ISBN: 186941747X
EAN: 9781869417475
Dimensions: 24.0 x 197.0 x 1.0 centimeters (0.37 kg)

Buy from



7 April 2010

Xena Photo Club Images March 2010 Haunting of Amphipolis #2

ImageOfficial Xena Fan Club Images for March 2010 continues from February 2010 with episode stills froms from the Season 6 episode 2 "The Haunting of Amphipolis"

Xena is forced to battle Mephistopheles (Anthony Ray Parker) when she returns to Amphipolis with Gabrielle and Eve to find her home haunted by evil.

Click here to view the preview images

More Multimedia can be found here from this episode
Montage | DJWP Synopsis | SLK Review | Screengrabs - DVD



7 April 2010

Xena Photo Club Images Feb 2010 Haunting of Amphipolis

ImageOfficial Xena Fan Club Images for February 2010 is from the Season 6 episode 2 "The Haunting of Amphipolis"

Xena is forced to battle Mephistopheles (Anthony Ray Parker) when she returns to Amphipolis with Gabrielle and Eve to find her home haunted by evil.

Click here to view the preview images

More Multimedia can be found here from this episode
Montage | DJWP Synopsis | SLK Review | Screengrabs - DVD



7 April 2010

Spartacus To Start on UK Bravo Next Month?

ImageBarbara Davies reports in with this news article from site:

Spartacus starts on Bravo in the UK 'next month'? The Bravo site says "soon"

This picture of serenity is actually taken from Spartacus, which arrives on Bravo next month in a gory riot of severed limbs and fountains of blood.

John Hannah and Xena star Lucy Lawless (pictured) play husband and wife Batiatus and Lucretia, owners of slave Spartacus who’s played by Welsh hunk Andy Whitfield.




6 April 2010

New Lucretia and Batiatus Artwork by Calli

Calli has sent in two gorgeous wallpapers. One is Lucretia and the other is of Batiatus







Click on the smaller images to get to Calli's Spartacus Gallery



3 April 2010

Spartacus Old Wounds Episode Review by MaryD

Just posted my episode review for Spartacus Season 1 Episode 11 "Old Wounds" to the AUSXIP Spartacus site.

ImageSeason 1 Episode 11 "Old Wounds"

Spartacus struggles with a fellow gladiator's death. The Magistrate is declared missing as Batiatus and Numerius begin the search for him

Please be aware, the review spoils the entire episode so if you haven't seen it yet, you will be spoilt.

Read Review



3 April 2010

A Show Is Only Good As It's Villains

Here's the latest blog entry by Katrina Law where she looks at the villains on Spartacus Blood and Sand and they are a juicy lot!

by Katrina Law

I was having a chat with one of the producers of Spartacus last week and she said a very interesting thing: “A show is only as good as its Villains.” And this got me thinking…

Using that comment as a measuring stick, after the events which occurred in episode 10, I think Spartacus just might be the best show on Earth, especially when you consider the reaction so many had to the events in last week’s episode, “Party Favors.” There was a HUGE outcry over the death of Varro...

Read More



2 April 2010

New Lucy Blog Post 03 March 2010


Lucy has posted a new message on her site about Earth Hour and some new additions to the Tapert household.

It seems Koha has a new playmate that is so cute and the Tapert cat has finally made the journey over from the US. Cute photo of Rob with the kitty.


Check out Lucy's blog and pics!



2 April 2010

Spartacus S1 E12 Episode Stills


Spartacus Season 1 Episode 12 "Revelations"

Lucretia and Batiatus await the arrival of Glaber with the intentions to receive his patronage, while Spartacus focuses his attention on his plan for revenge. Friday, 4/9 at 10pm et/pt on Starz.

View Episode Stills | Watch Episode Promo



2 April 2010

Spartacus S1 E12 Episode Promo

ImageEp 112 “Revelations” –
Lucretia and Batiatus await the arrival of Glaber with the intentions to receive his patronage, while Spartacus focuses his attention on his plan for revenge. Friday, 4/9 at 10pm et/pt on Starz.

Watch Video



2 April 2010

Xenites And The Greater Good

As many of you know the AUSXIP Charity Auction has ended and I've had my first real 'do nothing, watch videos and be totally lazy' day in a long while. Now back to work...

I'm quite sure that if I asked many fans on how their economic situation is, they would say it's horrible. It is. We've had a terrible 2009 and 2010 seems to be a tad better for some and not so good for others.

This year's auction showed me how much love you all have. How much respect, love and a willingness to dig deep. Xenites are EXTREMELY generous. Even those who didn't win or couldn't bid, gave a little. I was just amazed when I received the first half of the paid list from Starship yesterday. It had people's names on it that didn't win but who contributed, it had people paying extra on top of what they won. I shouldn't have been surprised because that's what you do and have done over the years but this year it's different. Despite the recession, the loss of jobs and other financial burdens, Xenites fans dug deep. That desire to help for the greater good is inspirational. As Lucy said in her message

I have never worked on a show with a fanbase as giving as the XWP gang. I guess it was the nature of the show and its message that formed such a community.

This is very very true. I've been involved in other fandoms and I have NEVER across anything like the Xenaverse. Last week I received an email that I want to share with you all with the writer's permission. It reads in part:

"Knowing that this money is really going some real place and will benefit a good cause which on top makes Lucy happy, is really the main reason for me to spent those "saved" Dollars...

Lucys appreciation of her fans is one of the first things, I realized when first coming to AUSXIP and the Xenaverse, that make her and Renée so special...because I have never witnessed anything like that before. So her letter makes me proud to be part of this giving "gang" ...doing it anyway and it defintiely is a very consious choice to spent this hard earned money for their (Lucy's and Renées, well and AUSXIPs) Charities...because even though Lucy always tries to disconnect the fans graciousness from her the end I think it has almost everything to do with her own graciousness...Fans willingness to give is undouptedly to a great deal because of her. And to me that is how I realize that one person really can make a difference, because we are all connected. I am kind of moved by this whole auction thing..."

Thanks everyone for making this fandom what it is. We have our troubles; we have our squabbles..any family does. What we do best is come together for the Greater Good.

I'm going to close with my favourite quote that I think applies because Xenites have a huge capacity for love and for giving.

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."
- Helen Keller



1 April 2010

Lucy Interview Instinct Magazine 31 March 2010

ImageLucy Lets Loose - Instinct Magazine

Written by Jeff Katz | Wednesday, 31 March 2010

The lovely Lucy Lawless already schooled you on her Green ways on our April Soapbox, but you didn’t think we’d only talk eco with her, did you? After all, she is starring in one of the sexiest new shows on TV, Starz’ Spartacus. Check out what she had to say about the envelope-pushing scenes and why some network execs are a little afraid of her.

Read Interview

Submitted by: Barbara Davies



1 April 2010

Spartacus S1 E11 Promo Featuring Lucretia

ImageS1E11 -Crixus Returns To the Arena

Ep 111 'Old Wounds' Crixus faces Pericles The Titan of Pompeii in the Primus. Friday, 4/2 at 10pm et/pt on Starz.

Watch Video

Watch the other Spartacus Episode Promos for this episode

Episode Promos #1 #2 #3