ImageLucy's photo of Archey's Frog auction has closed.

Mr Frog sold for $505 - there was a little bit of uncertainty towards the end but it got sorted out and at the end of the day Greenpeace will get $505 they didn't have for the Rainbow Warrior III.

Not to be left out, Starship will also win. The AUSXIP Horse Committee (yes those looney people again that bought Argo way back) have branched out into frogs. The AUSXIP Barn is getting quite interesting.

We have decided to donate Mr Frog to Starship and thus it's a win/win all round! The kids will benefit from Lucy's beautiful photo as well as Greenpeace.

I do like it when a plan comes together <g>

Many thanks to Lucy Lawless, Greenpeace and to Trademe. Also huge thanks to my partners-in-crime for being such generous souls.

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