It seems John Key just didn't want to meet Lucy and Dr Salinger to accept the cheque for $4781 to take him to Copenhagen. Lucy comes to your door with flowers, a cheque and a smile and you knock it back? Wow. <g>


Actress Lucy Lawless, of Xena the Warrior Princess fame, and climate scientist Jim Salinger only got as far as the Beehive front desk when attempting to give Prime Minister John Key a boarding pass to Copenhagen on Wednesday.

Representing Greenpeace, Ms Lawless and Dr Salinger were responding to Mr Key's decision not to attend an international climate change meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark, next month.

They arrived at Parliament with flowers, an over-sized boarding pass and a cheque for $NZ4781 ($A3,834), raised from sausage sizzles and cake stalls, to put towards the Prime Minister's air fare.

They waited, along with gathered media, while a Beehive staffer phoned Mr Key's office to say he had visitors, only to be told the Prime Minister was otherwise engaged.

After another attempt was made to see Mr Key - and declined, along with the cheque - the pair had to make do with leaving the flowers and boarding pass with security staff.

"He's a man, he can change his mind," said a hopeful Lawless.

Mr Key argued on Tuesday it was clear no binding treaty would be signed in Copenhagen - despite earlier talk of an international resolution being on the cards - and that Environment Minister Nick Smith would be New Zealand's representative there.

Lawless and Dr Salinger said progress would only be made towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions on an international scale if heads of state made it happen.

Sending bureaucrats or people representing heads of state was a cop-out.

Mr Key later said he had not been given warning about the visit, and shrugged off questions about why he didn't meet the pair.

"I was probably out getting lunch or something."

Dr Salinger said the unspent $NZ4781 ($A3,834) was likely to be referred back to Greenpeace for it to put towards its campaign to raise New Zealand's greenhouse emissions target.

Security blocks Lucy Lawless from delivering cheque

Actress Lucy Lawless could not get past Parliament's security today when she tried to give Prime Minister John Key money to travel to climate talks in Copenhagen.

The Xena: Warrior Princess star and climate scientist Jim Salinger want Mr Key to attend the talks, but he is sending junior ministers instead.

Ms Lawless and Dr Salinger brandished a nearly $5000 cheque from Greenpeace to pay Mr Key's flights to Denmark.

He declined a meeting, but the activists are not buying his line that it is not worth going.


Videos would be posted on tvnz news later - Lucy was on the radio today after not
seeing John Key

Should be on the news as well. Video will appear here:

There's a mention up here already, but no video: